Many employers regard workers’ compensation insurance as a necessary evil — an expense they’d rather be rid of but have to bear because it’s required by law. As a result, they latch on to the first carrier they stumble across, accept the first policy they’re offered, and never give it another thought until an employee actually gets injured on the job.

Even if you’ve made the smart decision and covered your employees, keep in mind that not all workers’ compensation policies are created equal. Some carriers provide better coverage for your workers at a lower cost to you than others. In addition, there are many different policy options based on company size, type of business, and your company’s history of workers’ compensation claims.

Many contractors often exempt themselves from worker’s compensation due to the premium. However, if there was something to happen, who would pay you bills and wages while you were down from work?

Give your agent a call today to discuss the importance of this policy.
Reach out to us today!
Montana First Insurance
Montana Insurance Agency
Kalispell, MT Insurance Agency